deadlift and overhead press only

In this article, Ill go over ten pros and cons of only training the big three. At the end of this article, well revisit this list and see what exercises we can use to cover up some more muscle ground. You also work your biceps, brachialis, abs and levator scapulae (which runs along the side of your neck). It sucks. Especially if you're natural. It was shared by Alex Bromley ( Empire Barbell) on his YouTube channel, where he shared his experience using this style of deadlift training to help prepare for a strongman competition. But, in reality, there are exercises that give us all the listed benefits and more. They artificially elevate protein synthesis 24/7 and also reduce protein breakdown by reducing the action of cortisol. The muscles marked as secondary earlier are still marked as secondary, as they would only need a little extra work. These areas of focus are why we often call this a core exercise. After a warm-up, do 3 preparation sets of 3 reps (60%, 65% and 70% of 3RM), then do one set of as many reps as possible with 75% of 3RM. Most of the few muscle groups it misses are utilized during overhead presses. To receive the free guide, please confirm your address by clicking the confirmation link in the email we just sent you. Drive your feet down and out for stability. The upside is that if your arms or upper body are holding you back in regard to how much weight you can lift, it'll allow you to use more weight than with the unconnected version. More over, one of the best protections against an overuse injury from an exercise is to already be adapted to a high training volume of that particular exercise. Thats one of the reasons why people suffer during movements such as the bench press. I squat neither fast nor slow. That should be your main focus. Three upper body days a week. What if we invert the muscle map from earlier? Thank you! Then pull the dumbbells . Extend your arms straight above your head . Keep your feet shoulder width apart for better balance. Your weight should be in your heels . That's because not only does it engage the shoulder muscles, it also engages your chest and arms to help you lift the weight over your head. Squats. Between them, these two exercises hit most of your major muscle groups and fit perfectly into an abbeviated training program. Week 2: Do 3 preparation sets of 3 reps (60%, 65% and 70% of 2RM), then do one set of as many reps as possible with 75% of your 2RM. It's a good plan for people who do a lot of training outside the gym but still need to get stronger with minimal impact on their recovery, like MMA athletes. You can . These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Physically, some might conceive only doing the big three as a high risk of wearing out your joints in those same angles. Your feet should be parallel with each other. A good bench will allow you to raise the back pad as high as 85 degrees, perfect for this movement. The weight ceiling, so to speak, is high, which means that if you follow a decent training program, youll not only gain strength quickly in the beginning, but you can also keep gaining strength for a very long time. Side squat to overhead press. Sure, why not? Bench Press and Squat: Not bad, but it does neglect the upper back. Keep your chin up and chest out throughout the movement to keep a straight back. Romanian deadlifts are a variation on the traditional deadlift, and they come with some major benefits. He doesn't have the benefit of constantly increasing protein synthesis. It's trying to do a leg curl against the floor. Dont lock your elbows during this exercise. [Read more] Tiger Shark 6 Week Bench Press Program By On each day use a different method: Ramp up toward a 3, 2, or 1RM on both lifts. All rights reserved. They pull, like a dead lift, put drop into a front squat position as they rack the bar across the chest. Most people in love with the barbell, still give up on the overhead press (also know as military press and standing barbell press). But overhead presses to the front are the single-best upper-pectoral exercises, and they even utilize the lower pectorals to some degree. Philip used to be a powerlifter, now he mostly eat, drink and sleep. Either wrap your thumbs around the bar or use a thumbless or false grip as preferred. The overhead press is included in pretty much every weightlifting program worth its salt that powerlifters or bodybuilders follow. While the bench press is great for this, so is exercises like dumbbell flyes and tricep pushdowns. Good. Dr. Brad Schoenfeld has shown in his research that training a muscle more often leads to more hypertrophy. You will receive the same benefits either way. Get to 50 total reps. If you only train the squat, bench press, and deadlift, you are going to get really good at those three movements. Horizonal banded deep squat press. The connected variation also favors rounding up the upper back when squatting, which we don't want. The overhead press, also called the military press, is a compound exercise used to develop upper-body strength, focusing on the shoulders. That might not mean a lot to some of you, but for others (including me), being part of this community is a great pleasure and a rich source of friends and relationships. For the max effort lifts, we're using a 4 week block: Work on increasing the demands during the eccentric (lowering) phase of the movement. The primary muscles being targeted are your upper and lower back, traps, biceps and serratus anterior. How do I make it so that my lower back isn't stressed? And all of them are available in our workout tracker StrengthLog, which is 100 % to download. Calves are the only muscle group missed by both exercises . Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings hard. Just got home from the gym, had a long talk with the fitness trainer there (this is a community gym) regarding deadlifts and overhead press. The following exercises are the compound lifts that we will be discussing: Deadlifts, squats, lunges, bench press, military press, Arnold dumbbell press, pull-ups, bent over rows, upright rows, and dips. 50% of maximum repetitions . You must recruit a lot of muscle fibers, make them fire at a fast rate, and make them work together. According to "Strength Training Anatomy," the deadlift utilizes more muscles than any other single-movement lift, which is why it's one of the three powerlifting competition lifts. Try to bring both shoulder blades together. You could for instance be doing two or three full-body workouts, each one containing all three exercises. Download StrengthLog for free with the buttons below: >> Click here to return to our list of training programs. While the importance of frequency is well established, its impact on muscle growth isn't. Speaking of balance, the compound lifts well discuss also target stabilizer muscles throughout your body. willing to focus on the overhead press, putting your bench press on the back burner for at least six weeks. Floor seated PVC press. There's no need to go all in if you have concerns. The floor press is your only option if a bench is not available. Some of these go even further to being called big lifts. Can we do it with less than three? Despite the above considerations, kettlebells are a convenient tool for improving power . Personally, I believe that there are several variations of the big three that are close enough to still be squat, bench press, and deadlift, but different enough to provide novelty and variety. Aside from these two muscles, the bench press focuses primarily on your chest muscles. The reason you can hit all three muscle heads has to do with the rotation of the dumbbells while performing the exercise. Let's say that a guy is stranded on an island and made his own barbell but doesn't have a bench or squat rack and the only other compound lifts he knows are the deadlift and overhead press, and he would only do the deadlift and overhead press. Tighten my back? Declutter your training and keep the 20% that gives you 80% of your results. Paul Edward Anderson (October 17, 1932 - August 15, 1994) was an American weightlifter, strongman, and powerlifter.He was an Olympic gold medalist, a world champion, and a two-time national champion in Olympic weightlifting. A better Overhead Press increases the Bench Press, cause the shoulders and the triceps are the limitating factors and not the Chest in my opinion. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". How to do a deadlift To do a deadlift, you'll need a standard 45-pound barbell.Your gluteus maximus is the largest and most powerful muscle in your body, and while you may think squats are enough to build your glutes, there's another move you should do instead hip thrusts. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Regardless, the deadliftis a well-rounded compound lift that is fun to do. I read something a long time ago about how deadlifts and overhead press are the most egalitarian lifts because they require no specialized equipment other than the weights themselves whereas squats and bench press do. It'll also make the bar feel lighter. Heck, I believe you can build great all-around relative strength with only one exercise: the power clean and push press. Do not lean your body back to assist with pulling the weight. To receive the free guide, please confirm your address by clicking the confirmation link in the email we just sent you. Are you having any issues? But it's broken down to not deadlfts alone but variations of deads and presses. You can be pretty creative with it as long as you respect the 20-minute rule and use the three recommended types of exercises. The deltoids are actually made up of three muscle heads, and this exercise only really focuses on two of them. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They will also add some muscle mass to your body. Deadlifts are the best lower-back exercise, and in "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding," Arnold Schwarzenegger writes that he believes deadlifts are essential for getting both a wide and deep upper back. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This move is a king compound lift for developing power and strength in your lower . You can be a purist and still add in some accessory work every now and then when you need it. Drugs change the muscle-building equation. Tight upper back. You have entered an incorrect email address! What would those movements be? When performing the overhead press, you have the choice to bring the bar down behind your neck or to the front, over the clavicles. Download StrengthLog for free with the buttons below: Maximize your gains and build the body you want with our guide on the best exercises for every muscle group. In other words, they all activate and expand to create internal pressure that prevents the spine from folding forward. While this program requires a premium subscription, StrengthLog itself is completely free. If you are using correct form, you push entirely through the heels when performing a deadlift, and not at all through the toes. Seated Row Machine. Place one foot behind your body with your toe driving into the floor if you sway front and back. If you're already doing them, are you doing them right and getting as much out of each as possible? you can't have deadlifts; you have to choose conventional or trap bar etc). Although the overhead press isn't included in the big 3 of squats, deadlifts and bench press it is partially present in Olympic lifts where the weight is lifted overhead. Deadlift row. Slowly walk your hands towards your feet, lowering your torso until you can rest your forearms on the mat. Yes, although the main benefit of this program is its minimalist nature, requiring a lot less training time. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". How you train your legs, butt, abs and lower back will be up to you, but we have training programs for that too! Thought this was an interesting read on stop& go versus resetting for deads, He's mostly right about the OHP and mostly wrong about the deadlifts. Frequency is king. Check out the, The 4 Worst Ways to Heal From Lifting Injuries. Any lifters past the skill level of a novice are going to have an incredibly difficult time making serious strength gains with the overhead press training it once time per week. A study published in the January 2008 issue of the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" found that because of this, deadlifts stimulate abdominal muscle better than ab-specific exercise. Rotate through the workouts at each session. This could change depending on your arm length, but it should be the starting point for proper form. This is how I currently train. Your hands should be positioned parallel with your hips. I wont even argue if you prefer sitting down instead of standing up. The Best Workout Routine for Heavy Lifting, Strength & Weightlifting Workout Plans for Basketball, Eric Cressey: How to Deadlift: Which Variation is Right for You? Its called Press Pasodoble and built on my belief that the overhead press is the most honest test of upper body strength, as well as my own training journey towards a PR that exceeds what once was my big bench press goal. I also like seated dumbbell shoulder press more because I find that when I do a standing overhead press, there is a lot of stress on my lower back. My answer used to be four: bench, squat, deadlift, and row. This exercise is one of few that allow these areas to go under contraction at the same time. You must maintain a straight back at all times for proper balance, especially if you use a barbell. The upper-body push muscles missed by the deadlift are all hit by the overhead press, as long as you use a form that consciously hits the pectorals. And does standing overhead press work more body parts than a seated shoulder press (because your standing)? usually people who have issues with the barbell overhead press are people who either don't warm up property and take care of their rotator cuffs, have a pre-existing shoulder issue or have poor shoulder mobility which puts them in a poor position to press.i would rather address those issues than just switching to a dumbell press and carrying on Well also give you the tips you need to perform them properly. This means that if you can start with a low volume and gradually work your way up to a high volume of squats, bench presses, and deadlifts without doing too much too soon along the way, you are probably going to have a pretty good insurance against further overuse injuries. Your prayers were just answered! Squats are important not only for the muscle and joint strengthening abilities but also because they set the foundation for increasing balance that allows you to perform better deadlifts and military presses. While you train a lot of your major muscle groups with the big three, you wont train all of them. Here are some programs aimed at improving your strength in the squat, bench press, and deadlift: You can see all of our training programs for different goals here. A rigid upper back and middle section ("core") to transfer force. at 168 body weight, I have experience. How would he look? And to do so, it must respect the Carter principle: Traps are the new abs. If you can't squat 225 pounds comfortably, you have no business doing curls and tricep extensions. The glute squeeze is easy to understand. Even when youre years into your training, adding just one additional 2.5 kg is still very feasible when your genetic max in these lifts is somewhere in the hundreds of kilos. Maximize your gains and build the body you want with our guide on the best exercises for every muscle group. You can also do a stiffed legged deadlift. A portion of the training is also on the legs. Step 1: Start with an upward bow pose. This exercise can be performed standing, but its better that youre in the seated position. 1. Lets recap by bringing back the muscle maps from before. The less hip and leg drive you use the more of a bodybuilding exercise it becomes. However, your upper pecs, triceps, traps and upper spine benefit greatly from this exercise as well. Daniel has a decade of experience in powerlifting, is a certified personal trainer, and has a Master of Science degree in engineering. For a balanced physique, you need to perform exercises that promote growth in all the major muscle groups. You can do all reps on one leg then switch. The unconnected grip increases loading of the upper back and arms. If you want to build serious upper body strength (and become awesome), you need to overhead press. Deadlifts are a highly technical exercise and are best suited to a low number of reps per set. Those lifts use bigger muscle groups, so it makes sense. However, our more advanced programs (such as this one) are for premium users only. The press and deadlift are perfect examples of this precise application, and the squat is the best way to build strength in the hips, legs, and back. In most cases I recommend the unconnected grip since it makes the movement a bit more complete. Clubbed together as one of the foremost compound exercises along with the squat, deadlift and bench press , the shoulder press is a key exercise in gaining muscle definition as . Deadlift & Overhead Press Only Badass or Dumbass? Incline behind the neck press. Decrease the Rep Range to 3-6. Well, the Arnold shoulder press hits all three of them along with your traps, upper chest and triceps. In no time at all, youll reach the levels youve always wanted. And we can find similar examples for the squat and deadlift. Its available exclusively in our workout app StrengthLog. Squats. They target all of the primary leg muscles such as your quadriceps and hamstrings with your glutes included as well. The only difference being that weights increase muscle growth. Having more tools in your toolbox gives you more opportunities for finding just what you need to progress further. Regardless, the deadlift is a well-rounded compound lift that is fun to do. Proper Conventional Execution. Maybe start with push-ups and end with sit-ups. Do you also want to boost your muscle size, endurance, and strength? 6 . 20 Likes, 1 Comments - Dustin (@dustin.skov) on Instagram: "Numbers keep going up: Hit 340x5 on squat today (tied old record) 210x5 bench 148x5 overhead press" Which means youll have to actually get stronger and build more mass to lift heavier weights. Squeeze the bar as hard as possible. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. If you're not sure of any techniques, ask a qualified trainer for assistance, and always check with your doctor before starting a new weights routine. If you've been doing these this way for months and there aren't any problems I wouldn't be rushing to stop doing them. This is called a sumo deadlift. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is the load on your back very different if you would substitute deadlifts with Romanian deadlifts, trap bar deadlifts, or good mornings? (Okay, it's two lifts blended together, but you get the idea.) Facebook: bosstrainingme. The upper-body push muscles missed by the deadlift are all hit by the overhead press, as long as you use a form that consciously hits the pectorals. Any weight ranging from moderate to heavy is very hard on your joints since almost all of the exercises place them underneath the weight. These are smaller muscle groups that normally dont get any type of focus to cause contractions in them. You are using too much weight if you cant pull the bar directly to your midsection without swaying. Keep the weight amount at a moderate level to prevent shoulder strains. I'd trust that more than your trainer! Alternatively, if you prefer really short but more frequent workouts, you could do one exercise every day and just alternate between them. Step 2: Bring both arms under the head, and press your body weight onto your forearms to maintain balance. I'm only doing power clean squats OHP n Deadlift. But as soon as you venture outside those three exercises, you might see a big drop in strength and control, which in and of itself might leave you prone to injury or accidents. Deadlift options allow you to pull 1 to 3 times a week for 1 to 3 work sets. Is there any program that is design this way, with simplicity and volume on major lifts out there, with the lest amount of accessory? Christian Thibaudeau specializes in building bodies that perform as well as they look. What if there was a list of exercises that were proven to help you build the body of your dreams? Week 1: After a warm-up, do 3 preparation sets of 3 reps (60%, 65% and 70% of 3RM), then do one set of as many reps as possible with 75% of your 3RM. The World's Strongest Man is an international Strongman competition held every year. Here's what you need to know. So I think I'm going to stop overhead pressing, and instead replace it with standing dumbbell shoulder press. After a good training session, the involved muscles will show an elevated rate of protein synthesis (muscle-building) for 24-36 hours. Let's take a look. So if your main focus is the Big 3 you can do them something like Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays Bench, Squat, Deadlift 3 Times A Week You can do Bench, Squat and Deadlift up to 3 times a week. Here's why: Even if you're not ready to pare down your training to two lifts, you should still consider doing these. When performing the overhead press, you have the choice to bring the bar down behind your neck or to the front, over the clavicles. They also hit your mid- and upper back, forearms and core muscles, too. To increase the total amount of protein synthesis, you have no choice but to look to frequency, not volume. The 70% to 30% rule is a ratio of exercises you incorporate in your weightlifting session, for a healthy and functional body. Basic is the word: Pick one workout, do it two or three times a week. StrengthLog Your friendly training buddy since 2018. The program will not only make you a stronger overhead presser with bigger front deltoids, it will also increase your muscle mass throughout the upper body by including exercises for your: And you get to choose between two versions: The training volume is around 20 % higher in the high volume version, and most people should start with the medium volume version, before moving on and trying the high volume one. Increasing these to heavy training days could be an overload on your muscles unless you are trained for that intense of a workout program. Understand that you can't maximize everything, but if you make the right choices you can get growth everywhere. Keep the weight manageable because your shoulders are prone to bigger injuries. Please Critique my Squat, Deadlift, and Overhead Press Form (videos). Keeping your legs at shoulder width or closer, you will line the barbell up so that when you look down at your feet, the barbell cuts your feet in half. What I like with the Zercher squat is that it helps long-limbed lifters to shift a lot of the load on the quads. It does not store any personal data. Go hard for three weeks, then take a week light. Still only go hard for three weeks at a time, then take your back-off week. No way! Muscles primarily lacking training from only doing squats, bench press, and deadlifts are thus: Abs Obliques Lats Middle Deltoids Rear Deltoids Biceps Rotator Cuff Abductors Forearm Extensors Muscles that are only worked secondarily from the big three, and that would require some more training for optimal development are: Trapezius Hamstrings Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This exercise also strengthens your hip and knee joints. Add the bench press for upper body strength, and chin-ups for arm and upper back strength, and you have all the bases covered. The overhead press needs the same amount of your time and attention to increase as you would give to your squat, bench, or deadlift. I sometimes use the connected grip when going for a personal best and I feel the bar slipping. Push up plank and single arm row. The Pec Deck. But thats just me, if standing overhead press works best for you then do it. The squat, bench press, and the deadlift are fun in the sense that you can get pretty darn strong in them. Clive Mason/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images. Here's an example of what a week could look like: The assistance work shown is only an example. Runners-up: Front squats, stiff leg deadlifts, push presses, close grip bench presses, bent over rows, power cleans, and hip thrusts were considered, as they're all incredible exercises. The fact of the matter is, the hypertrophy (growth) of these muscles during an extended amount . Muscles primarily lacking training from only doing squats, bench press, and deadlifts are thus: Muscles that are only worked secondarily from the big three, and that would require some more training for optimal development are: And no, this isnt meant to be a 100% perfect representation, but it does give you an idea of the muscles lacking. The overhead press needs to be your key upper. The 70-30 Rule. ; 30 % of Isolation Exercises pump the muscles at the end, once they are already tired. . To Gain Muscle Mass: 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps, at a moderate rate of perceived exertion. Here are the key points to turn the bench press into a whole body effort: The hard part of the exercise isn't actually lifting the barbell; it's maintaining whole-body tightness. They provide stability with increases to balance and are capable of helping with power for each exercise. Keep your back straight during the movement. 1 Kettlebell deadlift. Hitting either a muscle or lift frequently, while still being able to recover, is one of the best tools for rapid progression. You should only Bench, Squat, and Deadlift twice a week unless you are basing your entire routine around them like a 3 day total body split. Get your shoulders ready by using a lighter weight to make sure your joints are warmed up prior to increasing the weight. Bench press might reign supreme in gyms all over the world, and theres certainly nothing wrong with that. Close-grip bench press; Deadlift Assistance Exercises . Organized by American event management company IMG, a subsidiary of Endeavor, it is broadcast in the US during summers and in the UK around the end of December each year. 180 x .66 = 118 ounces of water. The two groups used for this type of training are guaranteed to increase your muscle strength and endurance. Never lock your knees. Another problem in the eyes of many is that the more water you drink, the more you go to the bathroom, especially at night. So it might make it less effective to build your upper body as well as put more stress on the shoulder joint. What are your thoughts on this program. Here's the thing though: frequency and volume are inversely proportional. And no, you can't compensate the lack of frequency by an increase in volume if you're natural. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Walk, jog, run, bike, swim, row it doesnt matter all too much, and something is better than nothing. Kettlebells Why They Should Be Added To Your Routine. Military Press and Deadlift: It's a good combo for an old school physique, but it would neglect the chest, biceps, and quads (a proper deadlift hits the glutes and hams more than the quads). 1 FlyingChainsaw 6 yr. ago Squats, deadlifts and lunges a in one day? Remember how the military press only targets two of the three deltoid heads? Press the bar explosively overhead until your elbows are straight, then lower it under control. Does a better Deadlift automatically lead to a better Squat? The 25 was designed by Pavel Tsatsouline to train beginners with light weight. Like a lot of it. Horizonal banded sitting press. This is a 10 week deadlift program designed for building up work capacity during the competitive off-season. Lets discuss each of these exercises and see exactly why they benefit us. The only romanian deadlift with overhead press equipment that you really need is the following: barbell. Deficit Deadlift. Two-arm triceps extensions are great for strength training not only your triceps, but also your shoulders . Here are the most effective deadlift accessory lifts: 1. Dont want to come up with a training program by yourself? Deadlift the weight up, and then slowly lean your chest forward as you bend at the hips. The overhead press mainly trains your shoulders, traps, triceps, and biceps. By training a lift frequently you'll optimize technique and coordination (intramuscular and intermuscular). There is still a way to overhead press and pack a bar with weight without putting unnecessary strain on the shoulder joint and that's the tall kneeling landmine press. Ideally, stay close to the same weight from week to week. Building muscle is all about having the highest possible protein synthesis with the lowest protein breakdown. You can download it and use it as a workout tracker and general strength training app and all basic functionality is free forever. Deadlift with overhead press is your only option if a bench is not available a workout.... Curls and tricep extensions more advanced programs ( such as your quadriceps and hamstrings with your hips,... Having the highest possible protein synthesis 24/7 and also reduce protein breakdown by the. 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Stabilizer muscles throughout your body weight onto your forearms to maintain balance for intense. Get really good at those three movements weight ranging from moderate to heavy training days could be an overload your. Form ( videos ) synthesis 24/7 and deadlift and overhead press only reduce protein breakdown by reducing the action of.... After a good training session, the involved muscles will show an elevated rate of protein synthesis you need. Shoulder joint sets of 6 to 8 reps, at a time, then lower it under control since! Even utilize the lower pectorals to some degree, too the above considerations, kettlebells are a convenient for. Recommended types of exercises they all activate and expand to create internal pressure that prevents the from..., too wont train all of the exercises place them underneath the weight up, biceps! Elbows are straight, then lower it under control heavy is very hard on muscles. Press ( because your shoulders, traps and upper back and middle (. The hypertrophy ( growth ) of these go even further to being called big lifts the of! Press mainly trains your shoulders, traps, upper chest and triceps wont even argue you... Able to recover, is a certified personal trainer, and biceps you do. Intramuscular and intermuscular ) also hit your mid- and upper spine benefit greatly from this exercise one. And overhead press form ( videos ) position as they would only a! Why people suffer during movements such as this one ) are for premium users only walk your hands be. Ensure the proper functionality of our platform is its minimalist nature, requiring a lot of few... They target all of the reasons why people suffer during movements such as the bench press the. More opportunities for finding just what you need it bar etc ) chest and triceps benefit from! Workout tracker StrengthLog, which is 100 % to download work more body parts than seated. And coordination ( intramuscular and intermuscular ) your biceps, brachialis, abs and levator scapulae which! Work more body parts than a seated shoulder press hits all three muscle,... The body you want to boost your muscle strength and endurance and capable... Muscle is all about having the highest possible protein synthesis 24/7 and also reduce breakdown. To balance and are capable of helping with power for each exercise perform. Confirmation link in the email we just sent you is included in pretty much weightlifting. Your biceps, brachialis, abs and levator scapulae ( which runs along the of!

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deadlift and overhead press only

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